Emergency Medical Systems (EMS)

EMS COMPACT- Effective October 1, 2023

The EMS Compact facilitates the day-to-day movement of EMS personnel across state boundaries in the performance of their duties. EMS personnel, including EMTs and Paramedics, licensed in a compact member state are granted a Privilege to Practice in the other compact member states. The EMS Compact is a legal agreement between states, enacted by state legislation in over 20 states.

Nevada State EMS Licensing Online Application Portal

We are now requiring online applications for all Nevada EMS Credentials through the Nevada EMS Licensing Online Application Portal at: https://nevada.imagetrendlicense.com/lms/public/portal#/login

If you cannot access your State Online Application Portal (SOAP) account, contact our office at HealthEMS@health.nv.gov and we will assist you as quickly as possible.

    EMS Certification Verification Link

    Nevada EMS Schematron & Facility Workbook