SER 2020 and Beyond (SB457)
All healthcare facilities are required by NRS to participate in the Sentinel Events Registry regardless if a sentinel event occurs at the facility in the calendar year.
If no sentinel events have been recorded in calendar year, the healthcare facility must file the Annual Summary report each year between January 1, and March 1, and keep a current Contacts Form.
State of Nevada Sentinel Events Registry (NRS 439.800)
Activities of healthcare facilities associated with the Sentinel Events Registry include:
(An appropriate SER REDCap user account is needed to access these forms - send an email to SER @ HEALTH.NV.GOV to establish such an account)
1) File event part 1 notification and part 2 findings (Select SER_EventReporting) The reporting / investigation of sentinel events (NQF definition - Serious Report-able Event).
2) File Annual Summary Report (Due March 1) (Select SER_AnnualReport) The annual summary of sentinel events / patient safety efforts (meeting schedules, key staff, patient safety plan, etcetera).
3) Update SER Contact and Staff Information. (Select SER_Contacts) The assigning of the patient safety officer, designated reporters (up to 2), and an administrator account and contact information.
SB457 Notification Letter
SER Frequently Asked Questions
If you do not have an account(s) for your facility or need to make changes to your established account(s) contact/staffing information, please contact the SER team at or call 775-684-4112. Or contact the current SER Administrator as listed on the Staff web page.
To Request a new REDCap SER account (New facility or New Staff)
For a new REDCap account for the
Sentinel Events Registry (SER) program, or any other program that uses the
REDCap platform please complete this survey form in the link below.
If a single account needs to
represent more than one facility, the New SER Account form can accommodate
collecting the needed information.
Your primary contact email
MUST be unique to you.
If required fields are left blank,
the process will be delayed while the needed information is asked for through
an email. Please do not put commas in
fields. If a field does not apply to you
enter ‘NA’.
Once on the web browser, scroll
down to see the area for input of information.
A new account will be created
within 10 business days ( or sooner if possible, hopefully not later). Each role at your facility, Patient Safety
Officer(required), Designated Reporter1(optional), and Designated Reporter2(optional) accounts need to complete the
Program website.
Event Date on or After October 20, 2016
All reporting for 2022 and earlier is closed. If you do not have an account for your facility, please contact the SER team at or call 775-684-4112. Or contact the current SER Administrator as listed on the Staff web page.
List of Healthcare Facility License Types SER Reporting (SB457)
State of Nevada Healthcare License types now required to report to the Sentinel Events Registry.
If your facility type is listed, and your facility is not participating in the SER, please see the FAQ on how to get your facility signed up.
Sentinel Events Registry Participation by healthcare facility type, 2022.