HIV Prevention & Surveillance Program

Nevada and the Nation

According to AIDSVu, an interactive online map illustrating HIV prevalence in the United States, the number of people living with diagnosed HIV living in Nevada in 2014 was 8,405. In 2015, there were 485 new HIV diagnoses The Centers for Disease Control states that Nevada ranked 24th in the nation for number of HIV diagnoses in 2013.

    This map from AIDSVu highlights the counties in Nevada with highest HIV prevalence.

    For more information on state- and county-level HIV/AIDS data, visit AIDSVu.

      Our Mission and Vision

      Guided by the principles of public health and social justice, our mission is to promote health and reduce both the impact and incidence of HIV/AIDS by working in partnership with other agencies and diverse community groups.

        HIV Prevention Services

        HIV Prevention Program staff coordinates its efforts in collaboration with the local health districts, HIV Prevention Planning Groups, HIV-infected and affected communities, state and local HIV prevention providers, and other concerned and committed citizens to improve HIV Prevention service delivery in Nevada.

        We ensure:
        • The HIV Prevention planning process supports a broad-based participation
        • HIV Prevention needs are adequately identified in each jurisdiction
        • Resources target those at greatest need and interventions set forth in its Jurisdictional HIV Prevention Plan

          Nevada Initiatives

          During the State of the Union Address, the President reported that the HIV epidemic in the United States would be eliminated within 10 years. For the first time ever, we have evidence-based tools in HIV treatment and prevention that are so effective, we can end the epidemic.  By focusing on the biomedical, social, and psychological models, we can eliminate new HIV infections, eliminate HIV related deaths, and eliminate HIV related stigma. The HIV Prevention Program and the Ryan White Program are guided by the principles of public health and social equity. They are driven by the mission to promote health and reduce both both impact and incidence of HIV/AIDS by working in partnership with other agencies and diverse community groups. Together we can get to zero – Zero New Infections,  Zero New Deaths, Zero HIV Related Stigma.


          Nevada has multiple initiatives to End HIV Nevada:


            Contact Us

            2290 S. Jones, Suite 110

            Las Vegas, Nevada 89146


            ·   For anything related to Prevention programmatic issues, please email

            ·   For anything related to Surveillance programmatic issues, please email

            ·   For anything related to Prevention & Surveillance fiscal issues, please email


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