Office of Food Security

Mission Statement

Improve the quality of life and health of Nevadans by increasing food security throughout the state.

    Are you a college student and thinking about a career in Public Health?

    Want to build resilient and inclusive communities here in Nevada? Join Americorps, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Division of Public and Behavioral Health (DPBH) and local food banks/pantries in improving access to physical activity, reducing social isolation and loneliness, and improving food nutrition and security. Receive a living allowance and a Segal Education award for the successful completion of your assignment. Learn more and APPLY at Service Opportunity IIThe application cycle for Cohort II closes May 3.

      About the Office of Food Security

      The Office of Food Security (OFS) is administered by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) through Division of Public and Behavioral Health (DPBH) with support from the Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (CDPHP). The Nevada Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is responsible to administer the Funds for Healthy Nevada (FHN), to supplement and not supplant existing funding. The FHN is a source of state revenue funded through tobacco settlement monies received or recovered by the State of Nevada. The FHN funds are managed through the OFS to support initiatives and programming aimed to reduce hunger throughout Nevada communities and promote public health and improve health services for children, senior citizens, and persons with disabilities.

      FHN Goals:

      • Align and enhance collaboration efforts of state and non-state agencies to strengthen statewide food security strategies;
      • Support strategies that increase participation in state/federal nutrition programs;
      • Support client-centered strategies that increase access to nutrition programs and resources that address determinants of hunger; and
      • Establish evaluation and reporting processes to enhance data collection to drive future strategies and track progress in improving food security in Nevada.

      FHN Objectives:

      • To provide cost-effective services that are accessible, available, and responsive to the needs of individuals, families, and their communities;
      • Foster a service delivery system responsive to the individual and cultural diversity of the people and communities served;
      • To provide a comprehensive and integrated system of services to promote self-sufficiency; and
      • Conduct a systematic evaluation of program activities to improve the effectiveness of the FHN funds.

      The OFS also provides administrative support to the Council on Food Security (CFS) that was created following the Nevada’s Plan for Action in 2013 through an Executive Order and codified into state law in the 80th Legislative Session in 2019 (per Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 232.4963). The OFS continues to support the CFS in enhancing collaborative efforts throughout the food security network and implementing policies supporting food security statewide. Since inception, the CFS has provided a platform for stakeholders and subject-matter experts to make recommendations to state agencies on addressing food insecurity in Nevada and has enhanced connectivity among food security initiatives and partners. 

        Read the 2023 Food Security Strategic Plan Here!


        1. Incorporate economic development opportunities into food security solutions.
        2. Use a comprehensive, coordinated approach to ending hunger and promoting health and nutrition, rather than just providing emergency short-term assistance.
        3. Focus on strategic partnerships between all levels of government, communities, and nonprofit organizations including foundations, private industries, universities, and research institutions. 
        4. Use available resources in a more effective and efficient way.
        5. Implement research-based strategies to achieve measurable results.

          Notice of Funding Opportunity SFY 2021-2023

          Funding for a Healthy Nevada: Wellness/Hunger Services Notice of Meetings

          Contact Us

          Lori A. Taylor

          4150 Technology Way Ste. 210
          Carson City, NV 89706
          Office: 775-682-4200
          Fax: 775-684-4246  

          General Information
