General information
What is Naprapathy?
Find Nevada Revised Statutes for Naprapaths at Chapter 634B.
NRS 634B.060 “Naprapathy” defined.
1. “Naprapathy” means the diagnosis and treatment of contractures, muscle spasms, inflammation, scars, adhesions, lesions, laxity, hypotonicity, rigidity, structural imbalances, bruises, contusions, muscular atrophy, partial separation of connective tissue fibers and other connective tissue disorders through the use of techniques, including, without limitation:
(a) Reviewing case history;
(b) The manipulation of connective tissue for examination and treatment;
(c) Therapeutic and rehabilitative exercise;
(d) Postural and nutritional counseling; and
(e) The application of heat, cold, light, water, radiant energy, electricity, sound, air and assistive devices for the purpose of preventing, correcting or alleviating a physical disability.
2. The term:
(a) Includes, without limitation:
(1) Advising or supervising the practice of naprapathy by another person who is licensed or otherwise authorized by this chapter to practice naprapathy; and
(2) Teaching the practice of naprapathy to any person.
(b) Does not include:
(1) Surgery, pharmacology or invasive diagnostic testing;
(2) Physical therapy, as defined in NRS 640.022, or the practice of physical therapy, as defined in NRS 640.024;
(3) Chiropractic, as defined in NRS 634.013, or any manipulation that constitutes chiropractic adjustment, as defined in NRS 634.014;
(4) Massage therapy, as defined in NRS 640C.060, or structural integration, as defined in NRS 640C.085; or
(5) Any procedure that breaks the skin, including, without limitation, the use of needles or syringes.
Under development. More information to follow in early 2025.
Naprapathic Practice Advisory Board
Details in progress