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Facility for the care of adults during the day

“Facility for the care of adults during the day” means an establishment operated and maintained to provide care during the day on a temporary or permanent basis for aged or infirm persons. The term does not include a halfway house for recovering alcohol and drug abusers.

Guidance for Infection Control in Adult Day Care

Infection control planning is a vital part of reducing the chance of COVID-19 entering and/or spreading within an adult day care facility. On the Bureau of Health Care Quality and Compliance web page for Adult Day Care facilities is a document to help in creation of facility-specific infection control plans. Use of this document and its sample tools is not required but will help facilities implement best practices that will protect clients and staff from contracting and spreading the virus.

Find licensed adult day care

  • Visit
    • Click the blue "Find a Health Facility" button
  • Select "Health Facilities " from the "Business Unit" menu.
  • Select "Facility for the Care of Adults During the Day" from the "Credential Type" menu
  • Click "Search" to view the list or "Generate Excel" to get the list in a spreadsheet.

Sign Up for Emails with Info for Adult Day Care Facilities

A dedicated email listserv has been set up to provide interested individuals (staff, patients, families, advocates, the general public) access to information about adult day care facilities from the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services. This information includes guidance on regulations, medical or epidemiological issues, patient/resident care, infection control, state and federal inspection requirements and more. While information can be technical in nature, every effort is made to make it understandable to anyone. Use the information below to subscribe.

State Laws and Regulations

Licensing and Applications

To apply for a license to operate a facility for the care of adults during the day, you must complete the following:

Other Information

Additional Resources