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Community-Based Living Arrangements

“Community-based living arrangement services” means flexible, individualized services, including training and habilitation services, that are provided in the home, for compensation, to persons with mental illness or persons with developmental disabilities and designed and coordinated to assist such persons in maximizing their independence.

    COVID-19 Infection Control and Prevention Best Practices

    The guidance document linked below is intended for organizations that have health care workers (licensed and unlicensed staff) and personal caregivers who provide care to individuals at their home residence or community-based settings. It provides general infection prevention and control guidance in relation to prevention of COVID-19 transmission.

    Locate CBLA services near you in Nevada

    To find a full list of licensed community-based living arrangements (CBLAs) in Nevada, visit and follow the instructions below:

    • Select "Health Facilities" from the "Business Unit" menu.
    • Select "Community-Based Living Arrangement" from the "Credential Type" menu.
      • CBLA providers are listed in two categories: CBLA “Residential/Facility Provider” and CBLA “Service Only Provider.” A CBLA Residential Facility Provider owns/leases/rents and operates a home with CBLA clients. A CBLA Service Only Provider provides behavioral health-type services in the client's own home and does not operate a home.
    • Click "Search" to view the list or "Generate Excel" to get the list in a spreadsheet for downloading or printing.

    Subscribe to Informational Emails

    A dedicated email listserv has been set up to provide interested individuals (staff, patients, families, advocates, the general public) access to information about community-based living arrangements from the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services. This information includes guidance on regulations, medical or epidemiological issues, patient/resident care, infection control, state and federal inspection requirements and more. While information can be technical in nature, every effort is made to make it understandable to anyone. Use the information below to subscribe.

    State Laws and Regulations

    Licensing and Applications

    To apply for a certificate to operate a community-based living arrangement facility or services, you must complete the following:


    There are several trainings required for CBLA facilities. All direct staff members of a CBLA facility must hold a current Medication Management certificate. New CBLA applicants must also complete 16 hours of training concerning provision of services.

    To find the list of Approved Medication Management courses, visit our Medication Management webpage. Contact a public approved course to complete the required hours and receive your Medication Management certificate.

    The 16 hours of training courses can be accessed by clicking the links below. You will need to have an existing NEATS account or set one up (click here for instructions).


    Nevada law requires CBLA providers to post a sign with the telephone number that may be used to make a complaint to the Division of Public and Behavioral Health) concerning the provider.

    This requirement, under section 4(b) of Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 449.111, took effect Jan. 1, 2020. HCQC inspectors will be checking to make sure CBLA providers have posted a sign in the CBLA homes they operate. Providers may create their own sign, or a sign that can be printed and posted is available below.

    Other information

    Additional Resources