Health Facility Locator: If you're looking for a health facility licensed by the state of Nevada, you can search by facility type at this link. State inspection findings are available for public viewing here and can be accessed by clicking "View Details" with facility search results. Before
using any facility's services, you can view their compliance with state health
care quality standards.
Nursing Home Comparison: This tool, provided by the federal government, allows consumers to search by area or name for nursing homes and see a comparison of their ratings.
Hospital Comparison: This tool, provided by the federal government, allows consumers to search by area or name for hospitals and see a comparison of their ratings. This tool also allows consumers to research and compare Ambulatory Surgery Centers.
Long-Term Care Hospital: Most patients who need to be in intensive care for an extended time are often transferred to a long-term care hospital to continue that care. Use this website to find and compare long-term care hospitals based on infection rates and more.
Home Health Agency Comparison: This tool, provided by the federal government, allows consumers to search by area or name for home health agencies and see a comparison of their ratings.
Hospice Comparison: Enter your ZIP code, pick a couple of agencies to compare, and view their quality results.
Dialysis Facility Compare: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has data you can use to compare dialysis facilities (centers) based on the quality of patient care they provide. You can also compare their patient experience survey results.
Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Compare: Many patients with conditions like stroke or brain injury, who need an intensive medical rehabilitation program, are transferred to an inpatient rehabilitation facility. Use this website to find and compare inpatient rehabilitation facilities based on infection rates and more.
Laboratory Personnel Locator: This is the most efficient and accurate method of verifying an individual's license/certificate as this is real-time data, which means as soon we update information you will see it. You can now check disciplinary status for medical laboratory personnel.
Health facility laws/regulations feedback form: Under Nevada Revised Statutes Ch. 439A.083, providers of health care and members of the general public may review Chapters 449 and 439A of both Nevada Revised Statutes and Nevada Administrative Code (found at the links below) and provide feedback by completing the form linked above. This feedback will be reviewed regularly and submit changes for consideration when staff determine that changes would be beneficial.
Notice of Public Workshops and Proposed Regulations: Visit this link for meeting schedules and information related to new or changing rules for health facilities in Nevada.
File a Facility Complaint: Visit this link for the processes and forms to file a complaint against a health facility in Nevada.
Listserv: Visit this link to subscribe to an email service with information targeted at a variety of license/certification types in Nevada.
Legislatively Mandated Hospital Information
Below are specialized medical facility listings mandated by Nevada law.
Primary Stroke Centers: This list of hospitals certified as primary stroke centers in Nevada is updated annually. The list is created from data maintained year-round at The Joint Commission’s website.
STEMI Receiving Centers: A “STEMI receiving center” means a hospital that is accredited by the Society of Cardiovascular Patient Care, in conjunction with the initiative developed by the American Heart Association known as the “Mission: Lifeline initiative,” or an equivalent organization approved by DPBH, as having met specific standards of performance in the receipt and treatment of a patient with STEMI. STEMI means a myocardial infarction as indicated by an abnormal elevation of the ST segment of an electrocardiogram.
Nevada 2-1-1

Are you or a loved one in need of health and human services information, but don’t know who to call or to reach out to for assistance? During a natural emergency/disaster, do you know how to get quick non-emergency information about road closures, shelters, where to take your animals, and other vital information in your time of need? Are you a public agency that provides non-emergency information via telephone to the public relating to health and human services?
Enter the Nevada 2-1-1 program, an easy to remember, free, and confidential service that connects individuals and providers to essential health and human service resources across Nevada 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Nevada 2-1-1 assists individuals in finding local programs and services, such as housing, food, utility assistance, transportation, and childcare, to name a few. During a natural or manmade emergency/disaster, Nevada 2-1-1 provides answers to non-emergency questions and helpful information and referrals without tying up critical 9-1-1 phone lines. Nevadans can access information in three ways: by dialing 2-1-1, texting their zip code to 898211, or by searching online at Nevada 2-1-1 is an all-in-one resource! Information is available in over 150 languages, as well.
Administered through a State contract by the nonprofit Financial Guidance Center, and with oversight by the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Nevada 2-1-1 can help your agency by ensuring the right people are calling your agency for assistance, and that people who call 2-1-1 will have access to the programs and services you offer through our referral system.
All we need is for your agency to provide us up-to-date information so we can refer people to you! For more information, or to find out how your agency and the people you serve can benefit from a partnership with Nevada 2-1-1, reach out to one of our Outreach and Partnership Engagement Specialists: in northern Nevada; in southern Nevada. You can also reach us at 800-451-4505 for more information. We invite you to visit our website as well at