The Division of Public and Behavioral Health coordinates activities for several boards, councils, committees, and commissions. Please view information and meeting schedules below.
Rare Disease Advisory Council - new
The Rare Disease Council was formed under SB 315 during the 2019 session of the Nevada Legislature. The council will perform many tasks related to rare diseases, including data/information collection, informational analysis and reporting, public awareness, development of a rare disease registry and more.
Board of Health
The Nevada Board of Health (BOH) works to assure that all Nevada residents have the highest attainable level of individual and community health. The BOH is hereby declared to be supreme in all non-administrative health matters. It has general supervision over all matters relating to the preservation of the health and lives of citizens of the state. The BOH is dedicated to insuring that both residents and visitors to our state can be active in an environment where good sanitation is practiced and there is a minimum risk of contracting disease or experiencing disabling unintentional injury.
Commission on Behavioral Health
The Nevada Commission on Behavioral Health & Development is a 10‐member legislatively created body designed to provide policy guidance and oversight of Nevada’s public system of integrated care and treatment of adults and children with mental health, substance abuse, and developmental disabilities/related conditions. The commission meets at least six times a year (twice a year face-to-face, otherwise using video and tele-conference).
For more information, including meeting schedules and agendas, click the link below.
Regional Behavioral Health Policy Boards
Created by the 2017 Nevada Legislature (Assembly Bill 366), the Regional Health Policy Boards (Northern, Washoe, Rural and Southern regions) consist of 13 members each and advise the Division of Public and Behavioral Health on matters pertaining to behavioral health issues, promote improvements in the delivery of behavioral health services, coordinate with other regional policy boards and submit a report to the Commission on Behavioral Health.
Behavioral Health and Wellness Council
The Behavioral Health and Wellness Council (BHWC) will examine ways of improving and strengthening the systems of support and delivery of services to those living with behavioral health conditions in Nevada.
Behavioral Health Planning and Advisory Council (BHPAC)
Advisory Council on the State Program for Wellness and the Prevention of Chronic Disease
The Advisory Council on the State Program for Wellness and the Prevention of Chronic Disease provides recommendations to the Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotions section of the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health. Programs include:
Maternal and Child Health Advisory Board
The nine-member Maternal & Child Health Advisory Board (MCHAB) provides comprehensive advice and guidance to the Division of Public and Behavioral Health to ensure the enhancement and development of vital services to promote the healthy birth, growth and development of Nevada’s children. For more information, click the link below.
Emergency Medical Systems committees
The Emergency Medical Systems regulatory program has two committees: the Committee on Emergency Medical Services, and the Emergency Medical Services for Children Committee. Click the link below for bylaws, members and meeting information.
Governor's Council on Food Security
The Nevada Governor's Council on Food Security was created to implement the goals of Food Security in Nevada: Nevada's Plan for Action
and effectively improve the quality of life and health of Nevadans by increasing food security throughout the state.
For additional information, including membership and meetings, click the link below.
Primary Care Advisory Council
The Primary Care Advisory Council (PCAC) makes recommendations to the Division of Public and Behavioral Health related to the J-1 Physician Visa Waiver program, regarding letters of support, disposition of complaints, and program policies and procedures.
Advisory Committee on the State Program for Oral Health (AC4OH)
The Advisory Committee on the State Program for Oral Health (AC4OH) advises and makes recommendations to the Division of Public and Behavioral Health concerning the Oral Health Program.
Health Facilities
Click the link below to view the meeting, bylaw and membership for the health facility advisory councils administered by the Bureau of Health Care Quality and Compliance.
Child Care Advisory Committee
The Child Care Advisory Committee (CCAC) works collaboratively with the Child Care Provider Industry, making advisory recommendations that are reported to administrator of the Division of Public and Behavioral Health, who then reports those recommendations to the Board of Health.
Medical Laboratory Advisory Committee
The Medical Laboratory Advisory Committee advises the Nevada Board of Health on matters relating to medical laboratories, qualifications of laboratory directors and other matters pursuant to clinical laboratory activities in accordance with Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 652.160.
Medical Advisory Committee
The Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) governs the Ryan White Part B/ADAP program.
Health Care Workforce Working Group (HCWWG)
The Health
Care Workforce Working Group (HCWWG) was established by SB379 during the 81st
(2021) Legislative Session and is now codified in NRS 439A.111 to NRS 439A.122. The HCWWG will make recommendations to the
Director of the Department of Health and Human Services concerning the
information included in a database of information collected from applicants for
the renewal of a license, certificate, or registration as a provider of health
care. The members of the HCWWG are
appointed by the Director.