Incidents - Who to Contact if You Need to Report an Incident or Accident
Involving Radioactive Materials
A radiation incident may be defined as any
unplanned or unexpected event involving a radiation source. Incidents may
include theft or loss of radioactive material,
damaged radiation sources or equipment containing
radiation sources, loss of control of sources of radiation
including spills or release of radioactive material or exposures in
excess of regulatory limits.
Information - Incident Reporting
Immediately report any incidents
involving radioactive materials or suspected radiation sources to the
Radiation Control Program at the following phone numbers: |
- Weekdays during business hours (8:00 am - 5:00 pm) – (775) 687-7550
- 24 hour number (877) 438-7231
- Nevada Highway Patrol (NHP) Dispatch (775) 687-0400. The NHP is able to
contact the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health duty officer.
Please report all homeland security
issues, terrorism concerns and suspicious activity to your local law
enforcement agency.