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Radiation Incidents and Emergency Response Information

Emergency responses are conducted by the Radiation Control Program on an as-need basis on behalf of the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health.

Radiological Emergency Response Program

The Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health has the responsibility to respond to radiological incidents and emergencies statewide, for the purpose of protection of public health, property, and the environment. These response activities are conducted in conjunction with the State of Nevada Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan.

The Radiation Control Program (RCP) staff maintains equipment and resources to respond to radiation incidents and emergencies. Resources include trained staff in northern and southern Nevada with survey equipment capable of alpha, beta, gamma, X-ray and neutron detection, and measurement capability.

The Program includes an after-hours duty officer schedule to ensure that technical staff is available at all times to respond to state, county, and local radiation emergency needs.

Assistance for Radiological Incidents and Emergencies

Assistance for radiological incidents and emergencies can be obtained by calling the office during normal business hours at (775) 687-7550 or by contacting the Nevada Highway Patrol dispatch at (775) 687-0400 for after-hours assistance. RCP staff will be contacted through the dispatch to provide assistance.

Radiological Response Training

The RCP performs and participates in training with first responders, emergency medical services, first receivers and law enforcement. This training ranges from classroom setting, table tops, drills and exercises. The hands on training utilizes sealed sources and unsealed sources to facilitate many types of scenarios that could be encountered in a radiological event.
The current platform of training utilized is the Transportation Emergency Preparedness Program (TEPP) Modular Emergency Radiological Response Transportation Training (MERRTT). The MERRTT modules are adaptable to meet the intent of training required for each specialty mentioned above. In Nevada, the full 16 hour, compressed 8 hour, technician 8 hour, and medical 8 hour have been taught statewide; with future plans to host a specialist 40 hour course.

For More Information

If you want more information on this topic, click here:

For Training Information click here:

 Training & Education

Click here for further information: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 

Contact Information

You may contact our office at (775) 687-7550 if you have any questions about this program.



Contact Us

675 Fairview Drive, Suite 218
Carson City. NV 89701
Phone: (775) 687-7550
Fax: (775) 687-7552
Email: click here to email us

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