Interim Repair

After consulting with the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) in July, the RCP approved interim repairs to the site. Work began on the interim repairs in August. This work involves hauling 165,000 cubic yards of soil from the developing trench 13 excavation project for US Ecology Nevada hazardous waste operations to the Low Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW) cover. The photos illustrate the amount of materials being applied and the regrading and compaction efforts for the proper drainage of water off of the LLRW cover.
In addition to these interim repairs, the State has solicited bids from environmental engineering firms to analyze site information and propose alternative for a long term solution. The next step is for members of the TAG to review the Request for Proposal (RFP) bids and select a contractor. There will be an extensive amount of work in developing the work plan and the health and safety, environment and security of the site, as well as Nevada residents and visitors will be considered.

Frequently Asked Questions
Click on the link below for answers to frequently asked questions about the Beatty low-level radioactive waste site.
Technical Advisory Group
Click on the link below for meeting and other information about the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for the Beatty Low-Level Radioactive Waste Site.
Beatty LLRW Site Post-Closure Activities