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- ADATreatment
- AdultDayCare
- ASC (Surgical Center for Ambulatory Patients)
- BirthingCtrs
- CBLA (Community Based Living Arrangement)
- DialysisCenters
- DVprograms (Domestic Violence)
- HHA (Home Health Agency)
- HIRC (Home for Individual Residential Care - HIC)
- Hospice
- Hospitals
- ICE (Independent Center for Emergency Medical Use)
- ICF (Intermediate Care Facility)
- MedDetox
- MedicalFacilities
- Medlabs (Medical Laboratories & Lab Personnel)
- MusicTherapists
- Naprapaths
- NonMedicalFacilities
- NRS449 (All Health Facility Types licensed under NRS 449)
- NTC (Facility for treatment with narcotics)
- NursingHomes (Skilled Nursing facility)
- NursingPools
- OPF (Outpatient facilities)
- PersonalCareAgency (PCS/PCO)
- PRTF (Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility)
- RecoveryCtrs
- ReferralAgencies
- RefractiveSurg (Facilities for Refractive Laser Surgery)
- RFG (Residential facility for groups/adult group care/assisted living)
- RuralClinics
- TLF (Facility for transitional living of released offenders)
- TriageCenters