Training & Education

Brown Bag Training

From time to time, HCQC hosts live "brown bag" training sessions about various important topics. Check back here regularly for new sessions (typically held at both northern and southern Nevada locations).

  • None scheduled at this time

Online Courses

The Bureau of Health Care Quality and Compliance (HCQC) is working to make training courses available online through the State of Nevada Online Professional Development Center. Training courses can be accessed by clicking the links below; some of the training courses will require you to have an existing NEATS account or set one up (click here for instructions). Courses provided through other sites might have different access requirements; see those sites for details.

Infection Control

Nevada health officials and lawmakers take an active role in helping to prevent infections and disease within the state's health facilities. The resources below will help staff learn about the steps they can take to reduce such infections in their facilities.

HCQC Approved Training Programs

These programs and courses are monitored and approved by HCQC.

Self-Directed Training and Other Educational Information

This information may not be mandatory for licensing but provides guidance that can help avoid issues that can lead to sanctions or revocation of your license.

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