Background Check Instructions for Dietitian Licensing


    Step 1

    All applicants must complete one fingerprint card by going to a law enforcement agency or by a private fingerprinting service. Manual prints may be completed by a law enforcement agency in any state. Fingerprints submitted electronically are only available if you live in Nevada. Visit the following links for a list Fingerprint Sites in Nevada. For Law Enforcement fingerprint sites click here. For a list of the Private fingerprint sites click here.

    Note: You are strongly encouraged to have your fingerprints submitted via electronic transmission (LiveScan), but this is only available if you live in Nevada.

      Step 2

      Complete these information blocks on both cards, and make sure they are legible:

      • last, first, and middle names
      • signatures of applicant and official
      • residence (complete address)
      • date of birth
      • place of birth
      • sex
      • race
      • height
      • weight
      • eye and hair color

      Important – In addition to the above information, make sure the following information is included on the fingerprint cards in the sections noted below (failure to do so may result in additional processing charges):

      Please ensure the fingerprint card used is an Applicant, FD-258 card.

      Cards without these information blocks completed are considered “incomplete” and will be returned to the applicant. Illegible cards will not be processed.

        Step 3

        Be sure:

        • You have your prints captured at an in-state (NV) LiveScan location (recommended);
        • or
        • One fingerprint card is completed and the card is not folded, torn or damaged in any way.
        • Information blocks are complete and legible; the card is signed by the appropriate persons (applicant and official).

        Step 4

        If you completed one fingerprint card (not via electronic transmission), determine fingerprint processing fee by going to this link. 

          You may pay by a business check, cashier’s check, or money order, payable to the Department of Public Safety (U.S. funds only). Note: Personal checks will notbe accepted.  

          • Mail the your completed fingerprint card (FD-258) AND payment to:
            • Department of Public Safety
            • Records, Communications and Compliance Division
            • 333 West Nye Lane, Suite 100
            • Carson City, Nevada 89706

          Instructions for Electronic Transmission of Fingerprints

          Go to a Department of Public Safety approved Livescan Fingerprinting Site (visit this link for a list of sites).

          Look for an approved non-law enforcement site which will collect a scanning fee and the current fingerprint processing fee. If you go to a site that does not collect the processing fee your fingerprints will be rejected.

          Note: If you plan on submitting your prints electronically do not use a law enforcement agency.

            Step 5

            Log back into the licensing system and upload into the system proof that your fingerprints have been completed, such as receipts and or/proof of electronic submission. If you are unable to upload the proof into the system you can email it to

              All dietitian licensure applications (including by endorsement) must be submitted online. Any paper applications submitted to our office will be returned.

                License by Endorsement Background Check Procedures

                If you currently hold an active dietitian license in good standing in another state or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia and you had a fingerprint-based background check to obtain that license, you do not have to undergo a background check. As part of Nevada’s online dietitian licensure application you will still be required to check off on the Civil Applicant Waiver section.

                If you did not obtain a fingerprint-based background check when you obtained your out-of-state dietitian license, you must get background checked by following the steps outlined in the steps above order to obtain a Nevada dietitian license.