Permits: Cosmetic Manufacturing

Permit to Operate

All persons intending to operate a cosmetics manufacturing facility in Nevada must obtain a permit from the Division of Public and Behavioral Health, Environmental Health Section.

Supplemental Permit Application

All persons intending to operate a cosmetic manufacturing facility must submit a Cosmetic Application. This application collects information specific to the facility type.

Checklist: Documentation Requirements

A corporate applicant must provide the Commissioner with the name and address of each of its officers and managers. An applicant who is not a corporation must provide the Commissioner with the name and address of each of the applicant’s managerial employees. Each applicant must notify the Commissioner of any change in this information. In addition they must provide the following documents:

  • Permit to Operate
  • Supplemental Application
  • Submit the formula of the cosmetic he or she intends to manufacture, including all components, for review and approval.
  • Proof of registration or certification from the Food and Drug Administration
  • Plot plan of the facility drawn to scale

Plan Review Requirements

The plans must include:

  • The layout and arrangement of the plant;
  • The materials to be used in construction; and
  • The location, size and type of any fixed equipment and facilities.

Approval of plans does not constitute a final approval. An actual inspection of the completed facility must be made before final approval will be given to the applicant.


If using the on-line system, fees must be paid with e-check or credit card. Fees paid with cash, check or money order, made payable to the Division of Public and Behavioral Health (DPBH). Checks, cash or money orders must accompany a paper application. DPBH does not accept credit cards over the phone.


  • $300 for initial licensing and renewal fees.

Payment of Fees

The fee(s) must be paid with cash (at a field office), check, bank draft or money order, made payable to the Division of Public and Behavioral Health. Fees paid will not be refunded for failure to obtain final approval or voluntary withdrawal.