Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program - Community Resources


Recently all VFC providers received notification of a change in policy regarding deputization to provide VFC vaccine to underinsured patients. As stated in the notification letters sent on February 6, 2013, the Nevada State Immunization Program was allowed to select a very limited number of private VFC providers to assist the Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Rural Health Centers (RHCs), and Local Public Health Departments (LHDs) in serving Nevada’s underinsured population.

The Nevada State Immunization Program used demographic data from Nevada WebIZ to determine the number of underinsured patients in each geographic area and at each VFC provider. That data, in combination with county and city level mapping as well as the location of existing FQHCs, RHCs, and LHDs, was used to select providers for deputization.

Below are links to lists of FQHCs, RHCs, LHDs, and deputized private providers where you can refer your underinsured patients to receive VFC vaccine. All deputized providers have signed an MOU requiring them to offer immunizations to underinsured children referred from non-deputized providers. If your patients have difficulty obtaining immunizations from deputized providers please notify the Nevada State Immunization Program.

If you have questions or concerns about deputization, please contact our program at (775)684-5900