The Nevada Department of Health and Human Services Rural Clinics Immediate Mental Health CARE Team supports adults anywhere in Rural Nevada who need immediate mental health care.
- Phone number: 1-877-283-2437
- Telephone Triage open 24/7
- CARE Team response hours 9am-6pm 7 days a week, excluding holidays
How it works
Telephone Triage: Crisis staff are available to provide support over the phone and assist in gathering information to determine how to help. If staff are assisting other callers, leave a message and they will call you back within minutes.
CARE Team Response: Once crisis staff determine you are safe, then they connect you with a licensed CARE Team clinician. The CARE Team clinician will contact you within minutes. The Clinician will provide immediate mental health help. This is done by video, wherever you are located. If you are not able to connect via video then services will be done by phone.
Stabilization: A short-term, mental health intervention. It is designed to assess, manage, monitor, stabilize and support your well-being. The CARE Team may develop an individualized safety plan with you to help support you. We also have a crisis case manager who will help you find resources in your community.
After Care: The CARE Team is available to follow up with you to ensure there is a smooth transition to needed supports and services in your community.
- Provide stabilization services to individuals in their home, helping safety plan and find services in their own communities.
- Reduce costs to individuals by preventing hospitalization, when possible.
- Reduce trauma and remove barriers that can happen when individuals do not know where to get help.
- Help facilitate hospitalization, when needed.
- Facilitate referrals to mental health services in the persons home community.
- Reduce emergency department visits and psychiatric hospitalizations, when appropriate, by providing immediate support and interventions, stabilization and case management.
- Connect individuals with National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) for peer support.