Rape Prevention and Education

Program Background

The Rape Prevention and Education (RPE) Program is part of a national effort launched by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention in response to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) of 1994 and continues through reauthorization and expansion of the original legislation.
Rape Prevention and Education (RPE) Program|Funded Programs|Violence Prevention|Injury Center|CDC

    National Data

    According to the 2015 National Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Survey, 43.6% of women (nearly 52.2 million) and a quarter of men (24.8% or 27.6 million) experienced some form of sexual violence (SV) in their lifetime. Those at greatest risk for intimate SV are under 25 years old, with the majority (81.3% or nearly 20.8 million) being female. An estimated 70.8% (2.0 million) of male victims report first attempted or completed rape occurring prior to age 25.
    The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey: 2015 Data Brief — Updated Release (cdc.gov)

      Program Strategy

      Nevada currently maintains sexual violence prevention strategies targeting its most vulnerable population, teens and young adults of all genders, cultural and racial backgrounds, sexual orientations, religious affiliation, and socio-economical levels.

      There is growing empirical evidence that well-designed youth development interventions can lead to positive outcomes. Encouraging positive relationship development in young adults facilitates their adoption of healthy behaviors and helps to ensure a healthy and productive future adult population.

      Strategies implemented for preventing future sexual violence episodes in Nevada include:
      • bystander intervention education and training
      • healthy relationship education
      • workshops for professionals and peer educators working within target populations
      • awareness campaigns

        Contact Us

        4150 Technology Way, Suite 210
        Carson City, NV 89706

        General Information

        Community Resources