Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention - Policies

The Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health and Nevada’s local health districts are required by Nevada Revised Statute (NRS), Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) and guidelines established by CDC, to investigate and control the spread of hepatitis B virus via the vertical and horizontal routes of transmission.

Nevada’s Perinatal Hepatitis B Program in conjunction with local health districts, hospitals, obstetricians, pediatricians, and other prenatal providers operate within the following 4 components:

  1. Identify high-risk infants by routinely screening all pregnant women for HBsAg during each pregnancy.
  2. Administer hepatitis B vaccine to all newborns and Hepatitis B Immune Globulin (HBIG) to high-risk infants within 12 hours of delivery.
  3. Assure completion of the 3 to 4-dose hepatitis B vaccine series and the post-vaccination testing for HBsAg & quantitative HBsAB.
  4. Assure that all susceptible contacts of HBV-infected pregnant women are identified and offered vaccination.
