Nevada Maternal Mortality Review Committee

General information

During the 80th Session of the Nevada Legislature, Assembly Bill 169 passed, establishing the Nevada Maternal Mortality Review Committee (MMRC) with an effective date of January 1, 2020 (Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 442.751 through 442.774, inclusive). The vision of the Nevada MMRC is to eliminate preventable maternal deaths, reduce severe maternal morbidity, reduce disparities, and improve population health for women of reproductive age in Nevada. Deidentified annual MMRC data reports regarding maternal mortality and severe maternal morbidity will be posted to a Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) website beginning April 1, 2021; a report to the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau will be submitted by December 31 of even-numbered years which will also include recommendations developed by the MMRC to prevent maternal mortality and severe maternal morbidity.

Contact Us

4150 Technology Way, Suite 210
Carson City, NV 89706
