Pregnancy and COVID-19
NevadaBrestfeeds Link;
Cribs for Kids- Safe Sleep:
The Cribs for Kids Program in Nevada is funded by the Title V Maternal Child Health Block Grant, supervised by the Maternal and Infant Health Program Coordinator and implemented by the Regional Emergency Medical Authority (REMSA). Cribs for Kids targets underserved communities through an educational campaign promoting safe sleep conditions for infants. The primary components include a train-the-trainer program providing education on Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths (SUIDs) and safe sleep practices to families and caregivers; targeting families who do not have a safe sleep environment for their infant and provide them with a Safe Sleep Survival Kit including a portable crib, sleep sack, and an education campaign to serve the Nevada community. The Nevada Cribs for Kids Program and supporting Safe Sleep media and materials are promoted by the Division of Public and Behavioral Health (DPBH), Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS), Women Infants and Children (WIC), Carson City Health and Human Services (CCHHS), Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD), and Washoe County Health District (WCHD). For more information, contact the Maternal and Infant Health Program Coordinator, REMSA, or any of the agencies below:
Safe Haven:
‘No shame. No
blame. No names.’ Anonymous
Ways to Surrender Your Newborn
In Nevada, the Safe Haven Infant
Protection Act (NRS 432B.630, ) allows an individual to surrender
a non-abused infant without fear of arrest or prosecution. No names or records
are required. The parents can bring a baby less than 30 days old to any
hospital, urgent care facility, an occupied fire or police station or they can
call 911 to have an ambulance dispatched to the location. The appropriate
government child protection agency will immediately take the newborn into
custody and place the infant in a foster or pre-adoptive home.
Crisis Hotline 1-800-992-5757
Confidential Information 24 hours a
day, calls answered by the Crisis Call Center of Nevada
Center for Disease Control (CDC) Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Text 4 Baby: or Text "Baby" or "Bebe" to 511411
Text 4 Baby is a free health text messaging service supporting new and expectant moms by providing accurate, text length health information resources.
Participants may sign up online, or by texting "baby" or "bebe" for Spanish to 511411 to receive messages each week timed to the due date or baby's first birthday. If participants have limited texting per month, text4baby won't take away from the total messages. Even if text messaging isn't part of the phone plan, participants will get text4baby messages at no cost.
The Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network to Reduce Infant Mortality:
The Collaborative Improvement
and Innovation Network (CoIIN) to reduce Infant Mortality is a platform
designed to help states innovate and improve their approach to reduce infant
mortality and to improve birth outcomes. CoIIN to reduce Infant Mortality began
in January of 2012; Nevada became a member in 2014 to develop strategies to
reduce infant mortality. The infant
mortality rate (IMR) is an important and widely used indicator of health. In
2005 the US IMR was 6.87 per 1,000 live births, and in 2011 the IMR decreased
to 6.05 deaths per 1,000 live births. This represents an IMR decrease of 11.9
percent. The CoIIN’s main goal is to increase the number of infants reaching
past their first birthday. The five priorities selected to obtain this goal and
improve birth outcomes are to reduce elective delivery at less than 39 weeks of
pregnancy, expand access to interconception care through Medicaid, promote
smoking cessation among pregnant women, promote infant safe sleep practices,
and improve perinatal regionalization.
In Nevada, the Maternal and Child Health Program, in partnership with
key stakeholders statewide including, Medicaid, Healthy Start of Southern
Nevada, Washoe County Health District, and Women Infants and Children (WIC)
utilize the CoIIN to reduce infant mortality and improve birth outcomes. The
latest data show the national infant mortality rate at 6 per 1,000 live births
in 2013, resulting in 23,440 infant deaths in the year 2013 in the United
States. Nevada was below the national
average at 5.3 infant deaths per 1,000 live births in 2013. However, disparities in Nevada IMR range from
a high of 8.9 infant deaths per 1,000 live births in 2015 to a low of 3.0
infant deaths per 1,000 live births.
more information regarding the CoIIN to reduce infant mortality visit:
Postpartum Depression:
Postpartum depression (PPD) is a
temporary depression related to pregnancy and childbirth. Two forms of postpartum depression exist,
early onset (otherwise known as baby blues) and late onset. Early onset postpartum depression is often
mild and may affect up to 80% of women after giving birth. It starts soon after delivery and can resolve
within a couple of weeks. Later onset
PPD is generally more severe and usually recognized several weeks after
delivery. Symptoms of PPD include
sadness, anxiety, tearfulness and trouble sleeping. The symptoms usually appear within several
days of birth and subside 10-12 days after birth. It is very important to let your health care
provider know if you experience “blues” lasting longer than two weeks.
Nevada Medicaid covers up to three postpartum
depression screenings for new mothers, as long as the depression screenings are
performed during the baby’s first year of typical well child checks. Ask your doctor about services available to
you during your baby visits.
The Postpartum Support International
website offers numerous resources and support groups. Visit
for more information.
The following is a list of Postpartum
Support Groups in the Las Vegas area:
Beyond Birth Postpartum Support Group, meets
Wednesdays at 1pm at Family to Family at 4412 S. Maryland Parkway, contact (702)
PPD Support Group at Barbara Greenspun Women’s
Care Center West, meets Mondays from 10-11am, contact (702) 351-0752
PPD Support Group at the OBGYN Specialists,
meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 7-8pm,
contact (702) 577-8039
PPD Support Group at
Pinkpeas Pregnancy and Parenting Care Center, meets every other Thursday from
2-3pm, contact (702)577-8039
Sober Moms, Healthy Babies:
Sober Moms
Healthy Babies aims to help pregnant women struggling with tobacco, alcohol,
and drug use. This public awareness
campaign includes statewide television and radio announcements and a website
with educational and treatment resources for women who are using, concerned
friends and family and providers. The website provides an option to call Nevada
the Substance Use Hot Line (775-825-4357 or 1-800-450-9530) and Tobacco Quit
Line (1-800-QUIT-NOW). It also
emphasizes the importance of women identifying they are pregnant when entering Substance
Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency (SAPTA) funded substance use treatment,
as they receive top priority for service.
Perinatal Substance Use:
pregnancy, everything the mother ingests, the fetus does also. Illegal substance use, use or abuse of legal
substances such as prescription drugs and legal marijuana, some over the
counter drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol are detrimental to maternal health and
infant health. Alcohol and substance use
can harm the fetus. The State of Nevada
Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency (SAPTA) provides
community-based prevention and treatment. The SAPT Block Grant is a federal
grant provided to states for specific alcohol and drug abuse programs. For more information about SAPTA, please
you are pregnant and using, there is always a safe place to get help. In Nevada, pregnant women are considered a
top priority at treatment centers. To
find a treatment center, visit
or call 211 or the Substance Abuse Hotline 1-800-450-9530 to get help for you
and your baby. Remember to let them know
you are pregnant to receive priority service.
The Centers for
Disease Control (CDC) activated its Emergency Operations Center to fight Zika
in January 2016 after widespread Zika outbreaks in the Americas. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
developed resources for pregnant women and providers. Zika virus will continue to be a threat until
an effective vaccine is developed. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
remains committed to protecting pregnant women from Zika and focused on key
priorities to help advance prevention strategies and the fight against Zika. For more information, visit the CDC: For provider guidelines in relation to Zika,
for preconception, pregnant and interconception women, see
for travel recommendations.
Nevada 211:
If you would like help locating services in Nevada, contact 211.
National Governors Association to Improve Birth Outcomes:
Nevada began
participation in the National Governors Association (NGA) Learning Network on
Improving Birth Outcomes in December 2013.
Nevada NGA to Improve Birth Outcomes seeks to align existing programs
and coordinate activities across public and private agencies to accelerate the
pace of improving birth outcomes statewide.
One of the objectives of the collaborative is to identify the magnitude
of adverse birth outcomes in Nevada, as well as modifiable risk factors of
preterm births, low birth weight, infant mortality and assess racial and ethnic
Workgroup #1: Promote Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health
Workgroup #2: Expand Healthcare Access
Workgroup #3: Reduce Exposure to Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco
Workgroup #4: Extend Gestational Periods
For more
information or if you are interested in participating, please contact the
Maternal and Infant Health Program Coordinator, Tasha Cadwallader,