Maternal and Infant Health Program

Program Background

The Maternal and Infant Health Program is federally funded through Nevada's Title V Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Block Grant which provides resources and support to community agencies serving women of childbearing age and infants.

    Mission Statement

    The mission of the Maternal and Infant Health Program is to improve the health and well-being of pregnant women and infants and decrease infant and maternal morbidity and mortality. The Maternal and Infant Health Program promotes healthy pregnancies, positive birth outcomes and healthy infant growth and development.

      Substance Use During Pregnancy

      Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) Resources

      Bright Futures Prevention and Health Promotion for Infants, Children, Adolescents, and their Families

      MCH Links

      Diapering Resources Committee

      Recipients of public assistance and other low-income families have a lot to worry about, and Nevada leaders do not want diapers for infants to be one of those things. Reusing diapers, keeping diapers on too long, and not using diapers when needed can all create infection control and health issues for the child and family. The Diapering Resources Committee (DRC) will to research opportunities to increase the availability of diapers and diapering supplies to recipients of public assistance and other low-income families in Nevada. For full information about the DRC, click here.

      Marijuana and Pregnancy Resources

      Nevada Breastfeeds

      Vaccine Schedules

      Contact Us

      4150 Technology Way, Suite 210
      Carson City, NV 89706
