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The Title V Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Block Grant, through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), requires at least 30% of Title V funding to states be targeted to Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN).
According to HRSA, CYSHCN are defined as: "Those who have or are at increased risk for a chronic physical, development, behavioral, or emotional condition and who also require health and related services of a type or amount beyond required by children generally." CYSHCN are a diverse group with wide-ranging health concerns, such as chronic and acute conditions, including emotional and behavioral health. For data on CYSHCN nationally and in Nevada, please visit the National Survey of Children's Health.
In Nevada, the CYSHCN Program provides resources and support to community agencies serving children from birth to age 21. The CYSHCN Program funds a variety of community programs bridging service gaps by linking families to appropriate systems-level and enabling resources and providers. This includes developing strategies to better serve children and families through a network of federal, state, and local community and family-based partners. Partnerships within MCH, with private and nonprofit agencies, universities, health departments, hospitals and providers, state and local entities facilitate efforts to accomplish the goals of the CYSHCN Program.
Core Domains for CYSHCN
1. Identification, Screening, Assessment and Referral
2. Eligibility and Enrollment in Health Coverage
3. Access to Care
4. Medical Home
5. Community-Based Services and Supports
6. Transition to Adulthood
7. Health Information Technology
8. Quality Assurance and Improvement
Further details on Core Domains can be found under Publications.
The Patient-Centered Medical Home
The Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) is a care delivery model whereby medical care is coordinated through the primary care physician to ensure necessary care is received when and where the individual needs it in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner. The objective is to have a centralized setting which facilitates partnerships between CYSHCN, their physicians, and their family. For PCMH training and resources for CYSHCN, families, and providers, please visit the Training and Tools page.
Healthcare Transition
Healthcare transition is the process of changing from a pediatric to an adult model of healthcare. The goals of healthcare transition are to improve the ability of youth and young adults to manage their own healthcare and effectively use health services, and to ensure an organized clinical process in pediatric and adult practices to facilitate transition preparation, transfer of care, and integration into adult-centered care. For healthcare transition training for CYSHCN, their families, and providers, please visit the Training and Tools page.
Inclusive and Adaptive Physical Activity
The Title V MCH Program compiled several guides on where CYSHCN and their families can find inclusive parks, playgrounds, and recreation programs throughout Nevada, as well as where to purchase adaptive sporting equipment online. These guides are accessible through the links provided below and under Publications.
Nevada Inclusive Parks and Playgrounds
Nevada Inclusive Recreation Programs
Nevada Adaptive Sports Equipment Online
Critical Congenital Heart Disease Registry
The CYSHCN and Maternal and Infant Health programs manage the Critical Congenital Heart Disease (CCHD) Registry, which ensures Nevada-born infants are screened for CCHD and those diagnosed with CCHD receive timely and appropriate medical care per Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 442.680. The CYSHCN Program works in partnership with Nevada birthing hospitals statewide and provides technical assistance to ensure accurate and comprehensive reporting. Annual CCHD reports can be found under Publications.
Congenital Heart Defects Toolkit for Physicians
In partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics, CDC created a digital toolkit with resources for physicians to help ensure that people with heart defects get the specialized lifelong care they need. The toolkit contains social media materials, customizable content for emails and newsletters, conversation starters, and infographics. Materials are customized by medical specialty and help providers promote lifelong congenital cardiac care for people with heart defects. These materials are free to download and use.