LCB File #R108-24
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) Chapters 459, 634B and 652, as the result of the passable of Assembly Bill 153 of the 82nd Legislative Session (2023). This public hearing is to be held in conjunction with the State Board of Health Meeting on December 6, 2024, at 9:00 AM
LCB File #R043-22
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 449 of Nevada Administrative Code (NAC), “Medical Facilities and other related entities.” This public hearing is to be held in conjunction with the State Board of Health meeting on June 2, 2023.
LCB File #R063-21
Notice of Hearing for the Amendment of Regulations of the Board of Health LCB File No. R063-21 relating to unlicensed caregiver infection control training. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 449 of Nevada Administrative Code (NAC), “Medical Facilities and other related entities.” This public hearing is to be held in conjunction with the State Board of Health meeting on June 2, 2023.
LCB File # R105-22
Notice of Hearing for the Amendment of Regulations of the Board of Health
LCB File No. R105-22 relating to Emergency Medical Services background checks and fingerprinting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of Health will hold a public hearing at 9:00 a.m. on June 2, 2023, in conjunction with the State Board of Health meeting. The purpose of the hearing is to receive comments from all interested persons regarding the Amendment of regulations that pertain to Chapter 450B of Nevada Administrative Code (NAC), Emergency Medical Services.
LCB File # R107-22
Notice of Hearing for the Amendment of Regulations of the Board of Health LCB File No. R107-22 relating to a system of reporting for sickle cell and its variants. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 439 of Nevada Administrative Code (NAC). This public hearing is to be held in conjunction with the State Board of Health meeting on June 2, 2023.
LCB File #R108-22
Notice of Hearing for the Amendment of Regulations of the Board of Health LCB File No. R108-22 relating to a system of reporting for lupus and its variants. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 439 of Nevada Administrative Code (NAC). This public hearing is to be held in conjunction with the State Board of Health meeting on June 2, 2023.
LCB File #R148-22
Notice of Hearing for the Amendment of Regulations of the Board of Health LCB File No. R148-22 relating to communicable diseases and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) modernization NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 441A of Nevada Administrative Code (NAC). This public hearing is to be held in conjunction with the State Board of Health meeting on Friday, June 2, 2023.
LCB File # R111-22
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of Health will hold a public hearing at 9:00 a.m. on January
20, 2023, in conjunction with the State Board of Health meeting. The purpose of the hearing is to receive
comments from all interested persons regarding the Amendment of regulations that pertain to Chapter 440 of
Nevada Administrative Code (NAC), Vital Statistics.
LCB File #R117-22
LCB File No. R117-22 related to Administration of Mental Health and Intellectual and Developmental
Disability Programs
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of Health will hold a public hearing to consider adoption of
amendments to Chapter 458 of Nevada Administrative Code (NAC), Administration of Mental Health and
Intellectual and Developmental Disability Programs. This public hearing is to be held in conjunction with the
State Board of Health meeting on January 20, 2023
LCB File #153-22
LCB File No. R153-22 related to Infectious Diseases; Toxic Agents
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of Health will hold a public hearing to consider
amendments to Chapter 441A of the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC), Infectious Diseases; Toxic Agents.
This public hearing is to be held in conjunction with the State Board of Health meeting on Friday, January 20,
LCB File #R009-22
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) 433. This public hearing is to be held in conjunction with the State Board of Health meeting on December 2, 2022.
LCB File #R037-22
Notice of Hearing for the Amendment of Regulations of the Board of Health
LCB File No. R037-22 related to Certification of Programs for the Treatment of Persons who Solicit Prostitution
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 439 of Nevada Administrative Code (NAC). This public hearing is to be held in conjunction with the State Board of Health meeting on December 2, 2022, at 9:00 AM at the following virtual and physical locations.
LCB File #R048-22
LCB File No. R048-22 - Proposed regulation amendment(s) to Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) 449, “Medical Facilities and Other Related Entities.”
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 449 of Nevada Administrative Code (NAC). This public hearing is to be held in conjunction with the State Board of Health meeting on December 2, 2022, at 9:00 AM at the following virtual and physical locations.
LCB File #R093-22
Notice of Hearing for the Amendment of Regulation of the Board of Health,
LCB File No. R093-22 relating to Peer Recovery Support Services
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 433 of Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) (LCB File No. R093-22). This public hearing is to be held in conjunction with the State Board of Health meeting
LCB File #R094-22
LCB File No. R094-22
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 640D of Nevada Administrative Code (NAC), Music Therapists, LCB File No. R094-22. This public hearing is to be held in conjunction with the State Board of Health meeting on December 2, 2022, at 9:00 AM at the following virtual and physical locations.
LCB File #R095-22
LCB File No. R095-22
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 640E of Nevada Administrative Code (NAC), Dietetics, LCB File No. R095-22. This public hearing is to be held in conjunction with the State Board of Health meeting on December 2, 2022, at 9:00 AM at the following virtual and physical locations.
LCB File #R010-22
The proposed changes to Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) Chapters 457, 459, 449, and 652 are required in
accordance with Assembly Bill 471 of the 2021 Legislative Session. The proposed regulations establish certain
fees to support the system for the reporting of information on cancer and other neoplasms; authorizes certain
health care facilities and providers of healthcare to abstract or report information to the system; and clarifies
language regarding the administrative penalty for failure to correctly report information on cancer and other
LCB File #R079-22
(LCB File No. R079-22)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of Health will hold a public hearing at 9:00
a.m. on September 2, 2022, in conjunction with the State Board of Health meeting. The purpose
of the hearing is to receive comments from all interested persons regarding the Amendment of
regulations that pertain to Chapter 450B of Nevada Administrative Code (NAC), Emergency
Medical Services.
LCB File #R126-22
NAC 652.083 defines a Licensed Laboratory as laboratory that offers its services to the general medical
profession. NAC 652.380 describes the qualifications for a Licensed Laboratory director to be either a
pathologist certified in anatomic and clinical pathology or certified in clinical pathology or a person with an
earned doctoral degree. NAC 652.488 describes the fees that are associated with a Licensed Laboratory for the
initial application, for the renewal of the laboratory license and for the reinstatement of a laboratory license.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of Health will
hold a public hearing to consider adding Chapter 422A to the Nevada
Administrative Code (NAC), Welfare
and Supportive Services.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of Health will
hold a public hearing to consider adding Chapter 422 to the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC), Welfare and Supportive Services.
Tenancy Housing
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of
Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 442 of Nevada
Administrative Code (NAC), Maternal and Child Health; Abortion. This regulation
will be heard at the December 3rd, 2021 Board of Health meeting.
Emergency Regulation - COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for DHHS & DOC Employees
COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Department of
Health and Human Services (DHHS) & Department of Corrections Employees
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of
Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 441A of Nevada
Administrative Code (NAC), Infectious Diseases; Toxic Agents. This regulation
will be heard at the September 10th, 2021 Board of Health meeting.
Emergency Regulation - NSHE COVID-19 Immunization Requirements
Nevada System of Higher Education COVID-19
Immunization Requirements
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of
Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 441A of Nevada
Administrative Code (NAC), Infectious Diseases; Toxic Agents. This regulation
will be heard at the August 20th, 2021 Board of Health meeting.
Emergency Regulation - Access to Immunization Data
Access to Immunization Data
IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of Health will hold a public hearing to
consider amendments to Chapter 439 of Nevada Administrative Code (NAC),
Administration of Public Health. This regulation will be heard at the August 10th,
2021 Board of Health meeting.
Emergency Regulation - COVID-19 Disclosure to First Responders
COVID-19 Disclosure to First Responders
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of
Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 441A of Nevada
Administrative Code (NAC), Infectious Diseases; Toxic Agents. This regulation
will be heard at the March 18th, 2020 Board of Health meeting.
Hazardous Materials Radiation Therapy Fees
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of
Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 457 of Nevada
Administrative Code (NAC), Cancer. This regulation will be heard at the December 20th, 2020 Board of Health meeting.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of
Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 392 of Nevada
Administrative Code (NAC), Pupils. This regulation will be heard at the December
10th, 2020 Board of Health meeting.
Culturally Compliant Health Care
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of
Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 449 of Nevada
Administrative Code (NAC), Medical Facilities and Other Related Entities. This
regulation will be heard at the September 4th, 2020 Board of Health
Mental Health Crisis Hold
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of
Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 433A of Nevada
Administrative Code (NAC), Admission to Mental Health Facilities or Programs of
Community-Based or Outpatient Services; Hospitalization. This regulation will
be heard at the June 5th, 2020 Board of Health meeting.
Involuntary Medicine
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of
Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 433 of Nevada
Administrative Code (NAC), Administration of Mental Health and Intellectual and
Developmental Disability Programs. This regulation will be heard at the June 5th,
2020 Board of Health meeting.
Behavioral Health Transport Service
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of
Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 433 of Nevada
Administrative Code (NAC), Administration of Mental Health and Intellectual and
Developmental Disability Programs. This regulation will be heard at the June 5th,
2020 Board of Health meeting.
J1 Visa Waver Program
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of
Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 439A &
439 of Nevada Administrative Code (NAC), Planning for the Provision of Health
Care and Administration of Public Health. This regulation will be heard at the
June 5th, 2020 Board of Health meeting.
Childcare Licensing
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of
Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 442A of Nevada
Administrative Code (NAC), Maternal and Child Health. This regulation will be heard at the June 5th, 2020 Board of Health meeting.
Medical Laboratories
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of
Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 652 of Nevada
Revised Statutes (NRS), Medical Laboratories. This regulation will be heard at the March 6th, 2020 Board of Health meeting.
Hazardous Materials
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Board of
Health will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to Chapter 457 of
Nevada Administrative Code (NAC), Cancer and Chapter 459 of Nevada
Administrative Code, Hazardous Materials. This Regulation will be held at the March 6th, 2020 Board of Health Meeting.