Carson City, NV -
August 22, 2019Nearly five million teens across the United States are vaping and using tobacco, yet there are few resources available to help them stop.1 In Nevada, statewide youth electronic cigarette use is reported by the 2017 Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance System at 15 percent. On July 1, 2019, the Division of Public and Behavioral Health along with National Jewish Health, the nation's largest nonprofit tobacco quitline provider, launched an enhanced tobacco cessation program for teens who want to stop using tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes.
The new My Life, My Quit program includes educational materials designed for teens and created through focus groups with teens, subject matter experts, and community stakeholders. Teens can text or call a toll-free number (1.855.891.9989) or they can visit for real-time coaching. Through the program teens work with a coach who listens and understands their unique needs, provides personalized support, and helps them build a quit plan to become free from nicotine.
"This comprehensive new program combines the best practices for youth tobacco cessation adapted to include vaping. This program allows us to meet teens where they are, communicate with them via channels they are comfortable with, and to support them through their quit journey," said Thomas Ylioja, PhD, clinical director at National Jewish Health.
My Life, My Quit provides youth access to tailored resources including:
- Free and confidential help from a quit coach specially trained to listen to teens, help teens navigate social situations involving tobacco or vaping, and find healthy ways to cope with stress
Teen-focused messages in promotional and educational materials - created with youth input - to encourage teens to quit vaping or using tobacco
- Five coaching sessions via online chat, live text messaging or by phone on a dedicated toll-free number (1.855.891.9989)
- Simplified online and mobile program registration to get teens to a coach sooner
- Dedicated teen website at with online enrollment, live chat with a coach, information about vaping and tobacco, and activities to support quitting and stress relief
- On-going text messages for encouragement throughout the quit process
- Certificate of program completion
To learn more, visit:
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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