Clinical Behavioral Services FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the visiting hours at Lake's Crossing Center?

Normally, visiting hours are 9:00AM-11:00AM and 6:00PM-8:00PM daily.  Please call ahead to verify the visiting times.

What kind of evaluations are done at Lake's Crossing Center?

Competency evaluations are the primary evaluation performed by Lake's Crossing Center.   Evaluations are court ordered by a judge.  If a person is not currently in custody, evaluations are done on an outpatient basis.  If a person is in custody, competency evaluations are done on an inpatient basis.

Why did the judge order a competency evaluation?

During criminal proceeding, if at any time a defendant is thought to be unable to show a rational and factual understanding of the charges or the legal process, or is unable to communicate effectively with counsel, the defendant may be court ordered by a judge to Lake's Crossing Center to be evaluated for competency to stand trial.