School Health - Publications

Burden of Obesity in Nevada 2015

For the past three decades, the American population, and Nevada, has increased in the rates of obesity and being overweight. As the waistline of the average American continues to grow, so do the numerous health-related issues. Moreover, in recent years, obesity has become one of the largest causes of preventable death in America. As is visible from the CDC comparison of 1990 to 2010, in only two decades, every single state experienced substantial increases in obesity rates. The obesity epidemic has expanded at both ends of the age spectrum, with increases in overweight and obesity rates for adolescents and children over the past two decades.  Nevada is not unlike the other 49 states in terms of obesity increases and continued efforts to prevent obesity, treat comorbid diseases, and promote healthy lifestyles across the state. Policy initiatives have been introduced to increase obesity-related prevention programs for Nevada's children and youth. More emphasis has been made on school-based nutrition and healthy lifestyle programs, promoting breastfeeding-friendly hospitals and workplaces, and integration of wellness programs at workplaces.

Nevada School Wellness Reports

Between late 2014 and early 2015, 442 elementary, middle, and high schools participated in the Nevada school wellness survey. This survey collected information regarding physical activity, physical education and nutrition practices in Nevada's schools.

Student Body Mass Index (BMI) Report

This report provides data on the height and weight (BMI) of students in Nevada.  BMI data is important for two main reasons:

1. BMI data allows officials to assess the effectiveness of public health interventions (ie: policies to improve student health).

2. 100% of public health funding in Nevada comes from the federal government, having this type of data increases the chances of securing additional funding to improve the health of Nevadans.

Washoe County School District Re-Engagement Report

The purpose of the Washoe County School District Re-Engagement Program Wellness Survey is to assess the responses of students whom are classified as “high risk” within the Washoe County School District. The term “high risk” for the purpose of this report, refers to students who are at risk of not graduating high school due to attendance issues.