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Cultural Competency Training for Health Facilities

Update - Training Program Submissions and New Regulations

As of November 18, 2024, submissions of new Cultural Competency Training (CCT) courses for Nevada state-licensed health facilities may be submitted through the new course form located further down on this page. Licensed health facilities must train staff in accordance with the non-discrimination requirements (NRS 449.101 – NRS 449.104) using a training course that has been approved in accordance with LCB File #R004-24. For facilities without an approved training program, a list of approved third-party trainings can be found below. Facility inspectors will check employee files for proof of CCT and complaints will continue to be investigated where noncompliance with these laws and regulations is alleged. The regulations can be found under R004-24 on the Nevada Legislature’s website.

Note: Except as otherwise provided in NRS 449.103, a facility must provide cultural competency training through an approved course to an agent or employee, a) within 90 days of hiring and b) at least biennially thereafter. Such biennial training must consist of at least 2 hours of instruction each biennium.

    General Information

    Ensuring a culturally competent health care system in Nevada with facilities that provide diverse and socially appropriate services to all patients can reduce health disparities.
    Cultural competency training improves knowledge of health care staff, raises attitudes of the client population, and ultimately, accelerates patient satisfaction through acceptance from their providers. There are suggestions that a culturally competent healthcare facility also leads to more patients following medical orders and care. To help improve health care delivery in the state, in 2019 the Nevada Legislature enacted a legal requirement that licensed health facilities provide cultural competency training and the requirement was altered during the 2021 and 2023 legislative sessions  

    Logo for State of Nevada campaign for safe and welcoming health facilities for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer individuals

      Approved CCT courses

      Nevada-licensed health facilities must provide cultural competency training biennially and within 90 days of hire for certain caregiving staff that are not exempted by the statutory requirements of NRS 449.103. Facilities have the option of using a pre-approved third-party course to meet this requirement (see bullets listed below).

      • The Nevada Department of Health and Human Services does not endorse any specific course over another; approved courses are provided as an option for facilities that do not want to develop their own training program.
      • Approved third-party courses

      Facility-specific approvals are based on how the course addresses cultural competency issues in relationship with facility policies, procedures and internal culture. Therefore, these approved CCT courses are inappropriate for use outside of that organization.

      Submit an initial or renewal application for a Cultural Competency Training (CCT) Course

      Click here to start an application for a new CCT Course or to renew a course.

      After completing the form, applicants must email their course material for review to the following email address:

        Cultural Competency Resources

        The Bureau of Health Care Quality and Compliance maintains a web page of cultural competency resources for health facilities to reference whether developing their own Cultural Competency Training or just looking for information to educate staff.

        (The courses linked on the page below are not approved for Nevada’s cultural competency health facility training requirement, but rather are intended for providers seeking to add to their knowledge of cultural diversity and minority health.)

        Got a question?

        To submit a question to the Cultural Competency Training team, send an email to or use the link below.