Musical Notes

Licensing Information for Music Therapists

Before Applying in Nevada

Individuals must be certified by the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) to apply for, renew or update their music therapy license in Nevada.

    Apply for Nevada License

    Once CBMT approval is obtained, a music therapist can apply for Nevada licensure by visiting the Online Licensing System. To apply for a new application, click on “To apply for a Music Therapist License” in the left bottom column.

      State Business License

      A sole proprietor (e.g., an individual who becomes licensed as a dietitian or music therapist and wants to open their own consulting business) or partnership must obtain a State Business License or Certificate of Exemption. Visit the Nevada Business Portal linked below for new or annual renewal of a Nevada state business license.

      Opening a Music Therapy Business

      A sole proprietor (e.g., an individual who becomes licensed as a music therapist and wants to open their own consulting business) or partnership must also obtain a State Business License or Certificate of Exemption by going to SilverFlume, Nevada’s online business portal.

        Background Check

        Licensed music therapists anywhere in the United States must pass a background check. Click the link below for step-by-step instructions.

        Renew/Print License, Change Information

        In order to renew your license, you must be certified by the CBMT at the time of your renewal and you must have maintained continuous certification for the previous three years. If you do not meet this renewal requirement your renewal will be denied. Please allow up to 30 days for application processing.

          To renew a Nevada license, print a license or change your information for the first time, click on “Register Here” under "Already Licensed by NV DPBH" to create a log in, then log into the system and click the "Print" or "Renew" button as applicable. In the future, you will just be able to log in without having to register again.

          • IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are already licensed and your name, address, email or phone number changes, you must notify the state by logging into the licensing system and updating the information.