Who Must Report?

The Nevada Central Cancer Registry (NCCR) is regulated by both Nevada Revised Statues (NRS) 457 and Nevada Administrative Codes (NAC) 457 . State regulation made cancer a reportable disease in Nevada effective 1983. Compliance with cancer reporting will ensure complete, timely, and accurate surveillance data and enable the registry to produce meaningful cancer statistics for public use.

The types of persons and facilities required to report: 

  • Health Care Facilities
  • Providers of Health Care who diagnose or provide treatment for cancer
  • Medical Laboratories
  • Other facilities that provide screening, diagnostic or treatment services

    Nevada Revised Statues (NRS) & Nevada Administrative Codes (NAC)

    The Nevada Central Cancer Registry (NCCR) is regulated by both Nevada Revised Statues (NRS) 457 and Nevada Administrative Codes (NAC) 457 . State regulation made cancer a reportable disease in Nevada effective 1983. Compliance with cancer reporting will ensure complete, timely, and accurate surveillance data and enable the registry to produce meaningful cancer statistics for public use.

    The types of persons and facilities required to report: 

    • Health Care Facilities
    • Providers of Health Care who diagnose or provide treatment for cancer
    • Medical Laboratories
    • Other facilities that provide screening, diagnostic or treatment services