How To Start Reporting?

  • Reporting Options:  
    •  Option 1: Secure file upload in text, excel, HL7 or NAACCR format 
    •  Option 2:Online abstracting to the NCCR. Web Plus is a web-based application that collects cancer data securely over the public Internet. Web Plus is a web-based abstracting computer program available at no cost, and no software is required to be installed for its use. It is available over a secure Internet connection and access is controlled through NCCR’s assignment of user IDs and passwords. Supporting text is required to be included in the abstracts to verify histology, staging, etc. 
    • Option 3: Paper Reporting: Hard copy submission via mail, fax, or file upload of the NCCR cancer incidence reporting form. Supporting documents are required to be included in the abstracts to verify histology, staging, etc.  
  • Each reporting entity must complete the specific “Demographic Form”. This form provides the registry with basic information and identifies your option for reporting. Once the completed “Demographic Form” is returned the registry will provide additional reporting depending on the reporting option selected.