Commission on Behavioral Health Meeting |
11/18/2021 09:00 AM |  Meeting ID: 932 3166 0056 -
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) -
Passcode: 675618 |  |  |         |
Local Governing Body for LakesCrossing and Dini Townsend Hospital |
11/03/2021 9:30 AM | |   | | |
Commission on Behavioral Health Staffing Letter to the Governor |
10/28/2021 08:00 AM |  Meeting ID: 960 4487 2458 -
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) -
Passcode: 466241 |  |  |  |
Commission on Behavioral Health Staffing Letter to the Governor |
10/14/2021 09:00 AM |  Meeting ID: 986 4962 4990 -
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) -
Passcode: 736651 |  |   |   |
Commission on Behavioral Health Meeting |
09/23/2021 09:00 AM |  Meeting ID: 917 5137 4622 -
Join Zoom Meeting: -
Passcode: 732426  Meeting ID: 917 5137 4622 -
Join by Phone: +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) -
Passcode: 732426 |  |  |          |
Commission on Behavioral Health Meeting with DCFS |
09/09/2021 09:00 AM | |  |  |  |
Lakes Crossing and NNAMHS LGB Meeting |
08/04/2021 09:30 AM |  -
Phone number 877.810.9415 Access Code 1596185 -
|   | | |
Commission on Behavioral Health Meeting with Division of Child and Family Services |
cancelled 06/03/2021 09:00 AM |  Conference Room A -
6171 W. Charleston Blvd, Building 8 -
Las Vegas  - -
|  | |  |
Commission on Behavioral Health |
05/13/2021 09:00 AM |  -
No physical location per Governor's Directive 006 - Subsection 1 -
Join by Phone: 1 (775) 321-6111 Phone Conference ID#: 770 708 883# -
|  |  |     |
Local Governing Body of NNAMHS |
cancelled 05/05/2021 10:30 AM |  -
No physical location per Governor's Directive 006 - Subsection 1 -
888.278.0296 - 2460064 -
|  | | |
Commission on Behavioral Health with the Division of Child and Family Services |
04/08/2021 09:00 AM |  No physical location per Governor's Directive 006 -
Subsection 1 -
 Microsoft TEAMS Video Conference ID #113 565 484 7 -
 775-321-6111 -
Conference ID 404 952 864# -
|  |  |   |
Commission on Behavioral Health |
03/25/2021 09:00 AM |  -
No physical location per Governor's Directive 006 - Subsection 1 -
 Meeting Number/Access Code: 146 107 5434 -
WebEx: -
Meeting Password: Jpu3GRPvX35  Meeting Number/Access Code: 146 107 5434 -
Join by Phone: 415-655-0001 US Toll -
|  |  |         |
Commission on Behavioral Health Annual Governor's Letter |
02/11/2021 03:00 PM |  -
No physical location per Governor's Directive 006 - Subsection 1 -
 Meeting Number/Access Code: 187 300 0808 -
WebEx: -
Meeting Password: J8iBWJqHC82  Meeting Number/Access Code: 187 300 0808 -
Join by Phone: 415-655-0001 US Toll -
|  |  | |
Local Governing /Body - NNAMHS |
02/03/2021 10:30AM |  -
480 Galletti Way, Building 25 -
Sparks |  | | |
Commission on Behavioral Health with the Division of Child and Family Services |
01/20/2021 08:30 AM (Changed from 9:00 AM posted previously) |  No physical location per Governor's Directive 006 -
Subsection 1 -
 Computer: -
Enter Name, select Join -
Dial 1.312.584.2401, Enter code 7142973# -
|  |  |   |