If an applicant is not eligible for a health insurance plan (a private individual plan, a Marketplace plan, an employer plan, or a COBRA plan) or public health insurance option (Medicare, Medicaid, VA, HIS, etc.) then ADAP will cover the full cost of any medication that is on the Nevada ADAP Formulary. Funding allocated to Nevada ADAP provides an approved formulary of medications to people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH) for the treatment of HIV disease or the prevention of opportunistic infections.
The HIV/AIDS Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) reviews new and existing medications to be included or deleted from the ADAP formulary. Consumers are welcome to submit a request for the addition of a specific medication or medications, and the recommendation will be discussed at the following MAC meeting. Recommended medications must be those which improve PLWH overall health. Please see here to submit your request.