340B Resources

Process for 340B Application:

  1. Complete the pre-screening form, and 340B University Completion Certificate.
  2. After review of the pre-screening form the program will conduct audit on current compliance with STD regulation and reporting, and reach out with any question, and clarifications.
  3. For programs who are eligible following the pre-screening they will be asked to provide:
    1. STD 340B Scope of Work
    2. STD 340B Reporting Template
    3. Budget
    4. Subrecipient Questionnaire
    5. State of Nevada Vendor ID  
  4. Program will provide the subrecipient with a DRAFT subaward for approval.
  5. Upon approval of DRAFT, subaward will be routed to the program's contract unit for approval to sign.
  6. Subaward will be approved and routed for signature by the subrecipient and the program.
  7. After execution subawardee will submit quarterly reports and request for reimbursement to program. Failure to submit quarterly report or request for reimbursement without prior approval from the program is grounds for termination of the subaward and subsequent 340B eligibility.

    Funding Restrictions:

    • STD Grant funding does not permit funding for clinical services, or medications.
    • Limited funding is provided for STD Test Kits therefore applicants are discouraged from including these in their budgets.
    • 340B funding for HIV is not authorized through the STD program. For information regarding funding of HIV programs, please contact the HIV program.