Beatty Low Level Radioactive Waste Site


1. Am I in danger from this site?

No, at this time the site has had interim repairs to correct the cover from the incident. The site is having increased inspections of the cover from both the RCP, NDEP and the site manager USEN.

2. Who is working on the site recovery and what is a TAG?

The State has formed a Technical Advisory Group (TAG), a group of subject matter experts, from private, State and Federal partners. The membership can be found by clicking on this link - TAG. The TAG has also invited local participation through Nye County. The TAG is developing a scope of work and a request for proposal to hire a private company to evaluate the site and materials, and develop options for the TAG to review and select an option for the site moving forward.

3. What is being done to permanently fix the site?

Currently, the site is under an increased level of inspection and monitoring. The site will have interim repairs as needed to protect the health and safety of Nevadans and its visitors. Permanent repairs are being planned and will take several years to complete.

4. Was something done wrong to cause this incident?

No, the site was designed and operated prior to federal and state regulations of radioactive waste. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) as well as 10 CFR part 61 (LLRW regulations) we developed and implemented as the site was winding down. The site has been monitored according to, and beyond the recommendations of, the Site Closure Plan; ~1989.


5. Who owns the site?

The site is owned by the State of Nevada. The Land was acquired in 1961 by the legislature from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The LLRW site is licensed by the RCP, and the active Hazardous Waste (chemical site) is permitted by NDEP.