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Nevada Home Visiting (MIECHV)

What is Home Visiting?

Home visiting is a service offered to support positive parenting, develop nurturing homes and promote healthy child development through regular home visits by trained professionals.  Families, who are expecting or have children up to age five, may voluntarily request these free in home services.  The Nevada Home Visiting Program supports agencies and organizations which administer home visiting services to pregnant women, mothers, fathers, and caregivers in the education of their young children to improve maternal and newborn health, improve school readiness, and to reduce child injuries, neglect, and abuse. Scientific studies have confirmed the positive impacts of home visiting for children and families while yielding between $3.00 - $6.00 saving to federal, state, and local governments for every dollar spent.

    Program Background

    The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Affordable Care Act) added Section 511 to Title V of the Social Security Act creating a Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program. Federal funding is provided to identify targeted at-risk communities through a comprehensive needs assessment, develop a State Home Visiting Plan, and implement Evidence-Based Home Visiting Program(s) that will serve the state’s target populations.

      Mission Statement

      Nevada Home Visiting exists to develop and promote a state-wide coordinated system of evidence-based home visiting that supports healthy child development and ensures the safety of young children and family members.


        • Develop a state-wide infrastructure to support home visiting and agencies who administer home visiting programs.
        • Provide training and technical assistance to local home visiting agencies.
        • Improve the quality of home visiting services by incorporating Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) principles in the administration of Nevada Home Visiting and in its relationships with its partners.
        • Improve the coordination and referrals to community resources and support these resources through interaction and collaboration with public and private organizations.
        • Develop a home visiting database to facilitate the reporting, tracking, and analysis of home visiting program outcomes, CQI measures, and model fidelity.
        • Assist funded home visiting agencies to focus their efforts on the National MIECHV benchmarks, which include:
          • Improvements in Maternal and Newborn Health
          • Prevention of Child Injuries, Child Abuse, Neglect, or Maltreatment and Reduction of Emergency Department Visits
          • Improvements in School Readiness and Achievement
          • Reduction in Crime or Domestic Violence
          • Improvements in Family Economic Self-Sufficiency
          • Coordination and Referrals for Other Community Resources and Supports

        Success Stories